Report Card: Mitchell’s Ocean Club


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Overall Grade B+

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere:  Grade A-:  As you walk toward the open, double doors guarding the entrance to Mitchell’s Ocean Club, you can’t help but be impressed by modern décor.  Don’t turn you head to the left!  Oops, too late.  Well, you just forget the giant plywood square announcing the coming renovations.  Just pretend you didn’t see it.  In all fairness, Mitchell’s Ocean Club is an upscale seafood restaurant, and the décors back that up — usually.  Tables are nicely appointed, and the menus are finished in finer leather than my car’s upholstery.  The Ocean Club would get and A for atmosphere instead of an A- if it weren’t for those pesky renovations.  Maybe on our next visit, we can bump up their grade.  Noise is at a minimum, and the hostess has enough common sense not to sit you on top of the other customers if the dining room isn’t crowded.

High marks:  Pretty much everything

Low marks:  Ongoing renovations are a blemish on an otherwise perfect setting


Service:  Grade A-:  Our server was knowledgeable, and not pushy.  I love it when a server lets the customer control the conversation.  We weren’t bludgeoned with detailed descriptions of specials in which we obviously had no interest.  Drinks, appetizers, soup/salad, and main course were all appropriately spaced, and there was little wait between each.  It is hard to get an A or A+ in this category, because our expectations of a great server are extremely high.  An A- in this category is extremely solid.

High marks:  Knowledgeable server, good spacing between courses

Low marks:  No “wow” factor, but good service nonetheless.


Food/Spirits:  Grade A-:  We’ll go in order of occurrence.  Katina ordered the “Berries and Bubbles” which looked as interesting as it tasted, thanks to a strategically placed piece of dry ice. It bubbled and smoked like something out of a 1950’s horror film.   I ordered the “Pineapple Saffron” which tasted fine but didn’t knock my socks off.  The best part of that drink was the pineapple wedge that came with it.  I switched to Guiness for my second drink (no “lush” comments, please).  Katina fell madly in love with the complementary pretzel bread.  It was quite delicious.  We ordered the calamari for our appetizer, which was well prepared but a little devoid of sauce, which kind of defeated the purpose of ordering it in the first place.  Katina ordered the French onion soup and I the lobster bisque.  Both soups were delicious, but neither were the best we’ve had (Katina kind of has a thing for French onion soup, by the way).  Katina had crab cakes for her entrée, and I had blackened snapper.  Both entrees were very well prepared.  The jalapeno corn tartar that accompanied the snapper lent a very nice kick to the dish.  Portion size was adequate for both dishes and probably could have been slightly larger considering the price.

High marks:  Well prepared entrees, good mixed drinks

Low marks:  Soups lacked “wow” factor


Value: Grade C+:  As previously mentioned, we found the portion size on the entrees to be adequate.  When you account for the price of each dish,  that drives our value grade down to a C+.  That should not be an indicator of the quality or flavor of any of the dishes.  In most cases, you get exactly what you pay for…and in the case of Mitchell’s Ocean Club, you’re paying for premium seafood and steaks.  It shouldn’t be cheap.  You will thoroughly enjoy your trip to Mitchell’s Ocean Club, especially if you’re a seafood fan.

High marks:  High quality food for a premium price

Low marks:  Portion size should lean more to the generous side for the price