Report Card: Koto Japanese Steakhouse

Koto Japanese Steakhouse on Urbanspoon


Overall GrubGrade B-

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere: Grade B: We stopped by Koto Japanese Steakhouse in Cincinnati on our way home from Nashville. It just happened to be Katina’s birthday on the evening we visited, so I was hoping for a really nice experience. I was disappointed. There’s nothing wrong with Koto, but it is not a place to take someone for a romantic experience. First, the place was nearly impossible to find. My car’s navigation system and Katina’s Magellan-like sense of direction were both challenged trying to locate Koto. Once we finally arrived, we found a pretty typical looking Japanese steakhouse with typical Japanese steakhouse décor. There were only a few other diners in the place, and that was a good thing since Koto’s appeared to be woefully understaffed. But it was quiet while we waited to start our meal, and that at least gave Katina and I a chance to chat.

High marks: Quiet and almost empty

Low marks: Hard to locate


Service: Grade C+: Our server’s name was Julie, and she did a fairly commendable job in taking our order and snagging us some drinks, although it did seem to take a bit before the drinks actually arrived. The poor service grade comes from the fact that there appeared to be only one hibachi samurai manning the table-side grills. So, after we arrived we had to watch this guy cook for the two tables next to us. Add the fact that we had been driving pretty much the entire day, and the restaurant staff were lucky I didn’t brain them with a wooden bowl and grill them right next to the traditional onion volcano that is always present at Japanese steakhouses. Once our “chef” got going, he whipped the food up fairly quickly and with a decent amount of showmanship. It’s just a shame there weren’t two or three of them on duty.

High marks: Decent showmanship from hibachi chef

Low marks: Very long wait to get meal started


Food/Spirits: Grade B: Koto Japanese Steakhouse is not the best Japanese steakhouse we’ve been to, but it certainly isn’t the worst either (that would be you, Benihana). For drinks, I opted for a couple of giant-sized Sapporos, and Katina opted for a drink called Constant Buzz. The Constant Buzz was good, but not really strong enough to warrant an awesome name like Constant Buzz. Most of the beer drinkers out there have had a Sapporo before, but if you haven’t tried one you should. You might find the light taste to be right up your alley. For our entree, we ordered the Dinner for Two, which came with chicken, shrimp, lobster, and filet mignon. The food was actually pretty good once cooked, but again, we might not be objective since we were hungry enough to briefly consider cannibalism. Plus, Koto Japanese Steakhouse had their own version of Genji’s Yum-Yum sauce, and it tasted pretty close to the original. And finally, we got more fried rice with our meal than we have ever received at a Japanese steakhouse before, and the fried rice was really good.

On a side note, even though Katina and I love the hibachi style food served at Japanese steakhouses, our visit to Koto underscores one of the drawbacks to this style of dining – the other diners. Sitting at a table with a bunch of strangers inevitably leads to a conversation with said bunch of strangers, whether it is wanted or not. The other people at our table weren’t bad, though. But the real action was happening next door, at the table to our right. It was here that Katina and I watched a couple of late twenty-something/early thirty-something “studs” doing their best to pick up a couple of “wholesome young women” that were seated at their table. The “studs,” in this case, were a couple techno-nerds visiting the Queen City for something to do with cell phones. The “wholesome young women” were a couple of late 30’s/early 40’s Kim Cattral wannabes who were not playing hard to get. I imagine if we would have stuck around for another half-hour we could have watched them play spin the bottle. That was much more entertaining than our hibachi chef’s onion volcano.

High marks: Pretty good food and lots of rice

Low marks: Weak mixed drink, same old Japanese steakhouse tricks


Value: Grade B: It’s hard to score Koto Japanese Steakhouse any higher because of the very long wait and apparent staffing issues. However, food quality and portion size were a little above average, and the entertainment was top notch. While not able to supplant Genji’s as our all time favorite in this category, Koto performed well enough on most fronts to make us feel comfortable recommending you give them a try if you’re in the neighborhood (and you can find them).

High marks: Portion size, quality

Low marks: Nothing able to make up for eternal wait

Report Card: Genji Japanese Steakhouse

Genji's -- home of the Yum Yum sauce

Genji’s — home of the Yum Yum sauce

Genji Japanese Steak House on Urbanspoon

Overall GrubGrade A-


The Breakdown:

Atmosphere:  Grade A:  If you walk into Genji Japanese Steakhouse and are confused by the décor, then there is something seriously wrong with you.  Everything on the inside of Genji’s practically screams “I’m Japanese.”  From the dark wood to the prints on the wall, Genji’s definitely is up front with its heritage.  Table spacing is moot due to the cooking style, but since we were doing a lunch thing the place was fairly empty.  We’ve been to Genji Japanese Steakhouse a dozen times, and there is always an upscale vibe associated with the place.  It was quiet and clean, and that’s about all you can ask for with this type of restaurant.

High marks:  Appropriate décor, clean, quiet

Low marks:   Cooking style requires you to dine with strangers (not very romantic)


Service:  Grade B:  The service at our lunch at Genji’s was good.  It is a little unfair to grade Genji’s on service because the Japanese steakhouse theme means limited interaction with the server and a lot of interaction with the chef/cook.  We got our drinks and courses in a timely fashion, and the meal progressed with the appropriate pace for this style of dining.  Overall, this was good, but not spectacular, service.

High marks:  Accurate, good service

Low marks:   Nothing spectacular about service


Food/Spirits:  Grade A:  While the food grade is always important, it is especially so when rating a Japanese steakhouse.  That’s because no matter which one you go to, the show is almost always the same – lots of flame and at least one volcano made from an onion.  In that regard, Genji Japanese Steakhouse is similar to the rest of the Japanese steakhouses, but where it whips everyone else is on food.  Katina ordered shrimp and chicken and I ordered steak and chicken, with both of us opting for extra rice.  Everything was cooked and seasoned to perfection, and with a seemingly unlimited supply of yum-yum sauce (it is so good you have to say it twice) you will not find a better Japanese steakhouse in Columbus.  Onions, mushrooms, salad, and fried rice were all prepared to perfection.  I really don’t care much for mushrooms, but these were so good I ate them all.  Since we were doing a lunch thing and Katina had to go to work after, we abstained from any alcoholic beverages and stuck with raspberry iced tea.  But we can tell you from experience that the mixed drinks at Genji’s are quite excellent.

High marks:  All of the food        

Low marks:   Same basic show during meal preparation


Value:  Grade A+:  We left stuffed, and didn’t break the bank doing so.  Enormous portion size (we both left with doggie bags) and excellent quality and a completely reasonable price is why Genji Japanese Steakhouse scored this high.  But remember, this was lunch.  Dropping by for dinner and adding a couple of grown up drinks to the mix can drive the price up, so be careful.  The bottom line is that if you are a fan of the Japanese steakhouse style of cooking/dining, then Genji’s should be the standard by which you measure all other establishments.  We anxiously await the Genji to Go spin off to open soon nearby so we can enjoy their excellent food all the time.

High marks:   Generous portion size and superior quality

Low marks:  Dinner service with drinks can get pricey

Report Card: Mitchell’s Fish Market

The dining area at Mitchell's Fish Market

The dining area at Mitchell’s Fish Market

Columbus Fish Market Crosswoods on Urbanspoon

*note: a change in ownership has led to a change in the name of this restaurant

Overall GrubGrade B+


The Breakdown:

Atmosphere:  Grade A:  A change in ownership has not had a negative impact on the atmosphere at Mitchell’s Fish Market (formerly Columbus Fish Market).  Mitchell’s Fish Market has a nice, upscale seafood restaurant vibe going for it.  The décor is suitably nautical, and the tables and dining area were extremely clean.  Tables are well spaced, and the dining room was ultra-quiet.  You might even forget there are other diners among you – make sure you behave yourself.

High marks:  Clean, quiet, nice décor, good table spacing

Low marks:   Not really any different than any other upscale seafood restaurant


Service:  Grade A-:  This was not our first visit to the Fish Market, but it is the first time we’ve been there since the change in ownership and name.  Historically, we have always received good service.  This occasion was no different.  Our server was Melissa, and she did a very nice job taking care of us.  Service was a little slow at the onset, but once our first drinks and appetizer arrived, the pace seemed to pick up a bit.  All dishes were delivered as ordered, and drinks were refilled in a timely fashion.  While there was nothing extraordinary about the service, Melissa certainly performed her duties admirably.  We’d love to have her as our server again.

High marks:  No mistakes, minimal wait once meal got started

Low marks:   Slow service initially


Food/Spirits:  Grade B:  We started our seafood odyssey with some BBQ shrimp as an appetizer.  We could best describe it as ho-hum, but we weren’t really expecting a whole lot from it when we ordered it.  For beverages, Katina started with the Moscato White Sangria, which she really liked.  It was sweet and fruity, which you would expect from a drink using moscato as a base (gotta love those dessert wines).  She ordered a crushed Blackberry Margarita for her second drink, which she thought was good, but not excellent.  Katina didn’t really feel like it tasted like a margarita.  I was just happy I didn’t have to get a wheelbarrow to wheel her out of the restaurant.  I ordered an Orange Citrus Mojito, which I found unimpressive.  So, I finished the meal with a couple bottles of Guinness.  It’s nice to have a good, quality backup drink.  Mitchell’s Fish Market was having a special on lobster tails, which Katina jumped on, of course.  The special included a salad, the lobster tails, and a dessert for $29.99.  She started with a caesar salad, which was fairly ordinary.  The twin tails were pretty good, but paled in comparison to the ones you usually get with the twin lobster tail dinner at Bonefish Grill.  For her dessert, she received some strawberry shortcake — nothing out of the ordinary with the dessert.  I started with the clam chowder, which is a staple starter for me.  The clam chowder was pretty good, possibly some of the best I’ve ever had.  For my entrée, I ordered the Rockfish, which is a fish I’ve never tried before.  The rockfish was very good.  I found it flavorful, lite and flaky.  I was impressed, and I’ll be looking for rockfish at other seafood restaurants we visit.

High marks:   Rockfish was excellent, Moscato White Sangria very tasty

Low marks:   Average lobster tails, unexciting salad


Value:  Grade B:  As we mentioned before, Mitchell’s Fish Market is not Long John Silver’s.  If you go, you’re going to drop a few dimes.  Dinner for two with appetizer, drinks and dessert is going to cost you north of $100.  The food is really good, but we’ve had better for less money.  It should be noted that the twin lobster tail three course meal was an exceptional value.  If it is still being offered, it’d be a good choice if you like lobster.  If you don’t like lobster, why haven’t you jumped off a cliff yet?   I don’t think I could hack a lobster-free existence.  Mitchell’s Fish Market may not be a place you visit frequently, but stopping by every now and then is highly recommended.

High marks:   Twin lobster tail dinner a great value

Low marks:   Can get similar or better quality seafood for a lower price at other establishments

Report Card: Mr. Fish

Mr. Fish

Mr. Fish Seafood Restaurant and Market on Urbanspoon

Overall GrubGrade C+


The Breakdown:

Atmosphere:  Grade B:  Well, if you look up the word debacle in the dictionary, there just might be a picture of the restaurant known as Mr. Fish.  We visited as a second option (there was an hour long wait to give your name for the wait list, which was probably at least an hour long at our first option).  From the outside, Mr. Fish kind of resembled a warehouse, but we don’t prejudge, right?  Inside, we’re not sure if you could call the decor nautical.  Usually seafood shops like this one will have some oil paintings of oceans scenes or boats, and maybe a spyglass mounted on the wall next to a couple of large fish.  Again, not real sure what theme you’d call the décor at Mr. Fish, but nautical might be stretching it.  Otherwise, the interior was huge and clean, and tables were spaced widely apart, which was good since every one of them was full when we arrived.

High marks:  Large, clean, well-spaced tables

Low marks:   Confusing décor


Service:  Grade C+:   You all know that we’re pretty picky with respect to service.  Lots of restaurants drop a letter grade because of a perceived fault in this category.  The service at Mr. Fish started bad, and then proceeded to get worse.  If you’re going to be successful in a tourist town like Myrtle Beach, your hostess or host should at least know how to run a semi-accurate wait.  We were told a half hour wair upon arrival, and after 1 hour and 15 minutes we were shown to a table.  No apologies offered for the delay.  With two hungry kids in tow, an inaccurate wait time is inexcusable.  Our server’s name was Lindsay, and it was a dude.  I’m sure the fact that he was a dude named Lindsay just added to a frustrating evening of being super busy with an inaccurate kitchen, but Lindsay had a bit of an attitude (but I really don’t think it was directed at us).  The wait for our first drinks was two days short of forever.  Once drinks did arrive, we should have paced ourselves, because it was quite a while before our server arrived again to take our order.  The food took an eternity, and my beard had a hell of a lot more gray in it when I left than when I arrived.  All in all, this was very close to an utter disaster.  We did give credit because our server did make an effort to correct the mistakes made with our order, and we do appreciate that.

High marks:  Mistakes corrected in a somewhat timely fashion

Low marks:  Ummm—everything else!


Food/Spirits:  Grade C+:  Because of the delay with our seating, we had to get something in our kids quickly before the rioting started, so we asked for a basket of hush puppies to start out.  Our daughter usually digs hush puppies, but these did not impress her–nor Katina or me, for that matter.  The hush puppies weren’t terrible, they just weren’t anything special, either.  By this time, Katina and I both needed a drink.  She ordered a cocktail called “Tasty Tentacle” and I ordered a beer called New South White Ale.  Unfortunately, the drinks were the highlight of the meal.  Our daughter ordered the Asian stir fry (at a seafood restaurant?) and our son sat and stared at some chicken tenders.  Neither entrée is really worthy of comment.  Katina and I both ordered seafood combos for our entrees.  Hers included flounder, tilapia, and crab balls (think miniature crab cakes) and mine consisted of shrimp, haddock, and calamari.  I think Katina got the better deal.  While her food did not knock her socks off, it was average, and she found the crab balls tasty.  My combo, on the other hand, initially came out cold (probably because it sat for an hour while the other food cooked.  The calamari was too thick and rubbery, the shrimp were bland, but the haddock was a decent piece of fish.  On the second attempt at it, my food came out nice and warm with huge pieces of haddock, but the other selections were still flawed.  I actually wished we’d have waited the two hours at the other place.

High marks:   Drinks, crab balls, and haddock all pretty good

Low marks:   Rest of offering below what we’d expect from a restaurant located near the OCEAN!


Value:  Grade C-:  Honestly, if you are a seafood restaurant on the coast and cannot impress some average food critics from Ohio (go Bucks!), then you have a lot of work to do.  Maybe it was a bad night because they were so busy and a return visit would yield different results.  We’ll never know, since we have absolutely no plans on revisiting.  After tip, we spent a little over $100 for mediocre (that might be generous) seafood.  We got much better food and service at Margaritas and spent half of that.  We advise you to sail past this one.

High marks:   They didn’t lock us in, so at least we were able to escape

Low marks:  Way too expensive for level of service and quality of food.  Long John Silver’s is a better option.

Report Card: BlackFinn Saloon

A shot of the dining room from the BlackFinn website

A shot of the dining room from the BlackFinn website

BlackFinn American Saloon on Urbanspoon

Overall GrubGrade A


The Breakdown:

Atmosphere:  Grade A:  BlackFinn Saloon doesn’t really look like anything special on the outside, but it’s a different story on the inside.  We really like the subdued décor of the dining room.  We went for a really early dinner, so the place was pretty quiet and empty.  The tables might be a little too close together for my taste, but we snagged a booth and there was no one else but us there, so it was nice and quiet.  One really neat thing that we’ve never seen before was individual television sets in each booth.  While not conducive to conversation, it does allow you to watch a sporting event without having to crane your neck at odd angles to see a wall mounted television.

High marks:  Laid back décor, individual television sets

Low marks:   Tables might be a little too close together


Service:  Grade A-:  Sometime I wonder if we are a little too harsh on this category.  It really takes something unique for us to give above a “B+” for service.  Our server, Tori, performed her duties with speed and competence.  That’s not usually enough to push a service grade this high, but Tori did something most servers won’t – she gave me her honest opinion.  I was torn between two entrees and asked her opinion.  She never hedged at all.  Instead of telling me “both are really good” or “you can’t go wrong with either,” she actually told me which dish she thought was better and WHY.  I took her advice, and she was spot on.  The dinner flowed nicely, and nothing was forgotten or missed.

High marks:  Good, quick, service – server not shy about giving opinion of dishes

Low marks:   None, but it’s a “saloon”, so we were pretty undemanding


Food/Spirits:  Grade A:  We decided to start our little food adventure at BlackFinn with some Ying Yang Bang Bang Shrimp.  We were a little disappointed.  The shrimp are described as being tossed in a “sweet and spicy sauce,” but we found the sauce not spicy at all.  The sauce was still good, and the shrimp were perfectly cooked.  For drinks, Katina ordered a Basil Berry Cooler and the BlackFinn Tea (somebody was in a party mood).  She describes the Basil Berry Cooler as sweet, very refreshing, and delicious.  Katina said the drink reminded her of a mojito without the mint.  As for the BlackFinn Tea – think of an Arnold Palmer, but with a little more hair on its chest.  For myself, I went with the Dragonberry Mojito, and followed it with a couple of Goose Island 312 ales.  The mojito had just the right amount of sweet.  You could tell it was a mojito with a slight twist.  The Goose Island 312 is one of my favorite wheat beers.  I love the cloudiness and thickness, and the citrus hints go perfectly with warm weather.  For entrees, Katina selected the Pulled Pork Mac and Cheese, and I settled on the jambalaya after a discussion with our server.  Katina really enjoyed her mac and cheese.  She says it was creamy, and the BBQ sauce from the pulled pork added some sweetness.  Toss in some diced tomatoes and bacon, and you get one hearty dish.  The jambalaya was fantastic.  The only criticism I had was that it could have been a little hotter (spicier).  I find a lot of jambalaya dishes become unbalanced, with too much of one ingredient and too little of another.  This jambalaya was very well balanced.  I’m a huge fan of Andouille sausage, so I was pleased that the jambalaya had an abundance of this ingredient.  BlackFinn really put together an excellent meal for us.

High marks:  Excellent drinks, stellar mac and cheese, really well balanced jambalaya

Low marks:  Ying Yang shrimp and jambalaya could have both been a little spicier


Value:  Grade B+:  We were starving when we got to BlackFinn, so no doggy bags for us.  However, we didn’t have room for dessert, either.  Really good food and drinks coupled with generous portion sizes make for a good combo.  Throw in the fact that we got out of there spending just one Ben Franklin, and we feel like we got a pretty good value.  You should definitely stop by the BlackFinn Saloon if you’re in Charlotte.  You won’t be disappointed.

High marks:   Excellent food and drinks, generous portion size

Low marks:  Our bill would have been more reasonable if we’d gone easy on the drinks

Report Card: Bonefish Grill


Bonefish Grill on Urbanspoon

Overall Grade B+

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere:  Grade A:  We hit Bonefish Grill at around 4:00pm on a Friday.  We actually arrived at a good time, since we did not have to wait for a table nor was the restaurant packed (I’m sure that changed once we left).  As always, Bonefish Grill provided a really nice atmosphere.  The restaurant was clean and noise level was at a minimum, but that’s nothing new.  We’ve always had a pleasant experience when we’ve visited Bonefish Grill.

High marks:  Clean and quiet

Low marks:  Décor is pretty standard – no real “wow” factor


Service:  Grade B:  The service at Bonefish Grill is consistently really good.  Our server, Heidee, made sure that we had drinks when we needed them and that the meal proceeded with no delays.  Food arrived promptly, but that is probably also due to how few people were eating at the same time as us.  But, as previously stated, service at Bonefish is always really good, and we’ve been there a lot.  Bonefish Grill received a B for service primarily because the service on this particular day was a good as usual, but nothing about it really made this visit any more memorable than any of the dozen other times we’ve eaten there.

High marks:  Good service, minimal wait for drinks and food

Low marks:  Nothing spectacular about service


Food/Spirits:  Grade B:  If you go to Bonefish Grill and do not order Bang Bang Shrimp as your appetizer, someone should sew your mouth shut.  This is simply the one of the BEST appetizers we’ve ever had (Columbus Brewing Company’s calamari is up there as well).  So of course we started with the Bang Bang Shrimp.  Once again, it was amazing.  The only negative is that you can’t order it by the bucket.  If that were possible, you’d find me at Bonefish nightly with a bib and an empty bucket at my feet – with only the telltale presence of Bang Bang sauce on my face to give me away.  For drinks, Katina had the red sangria and I ordered the massive Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale.  The sangria at Bonefish has really improved over the last couple of years and now is on par with the Bonefish on Franz Road.  The beer was awesome, as expected.  I could actually feel my chest sprouting more hair – definitely a man’s beer.  Here’s where things get good, and a little bad.  If you’ve read our Honor Roll, you know that we gave Bonefish Grill top honors for a seafood restaurant.  This was primarily due to the strength of their twin lobster tail dinner.  This is the place you need to visit if you like lobster.  The secret is the drawn butter they give you for dipping your lobster.  I’m not sure if they put heavy cream in it or crack cocaine, but it’s instantly addictive.  On this visit, Bonefish was running a special that allowed you to add a lobster tail to any entrée for $7.90 – good deal, right.  Bet you can guess what we did…we ordered the twin lobster tail dinner and indeed we did add a third tail.  We almost single handedly put lobster on the endangered species list.  This was going to be as close to heaven as one could expect, right.  Wrong.  While the lobster tails were still tasty, they were nowhere near the same quality as the lobster we received on our previous visits.  It was a little disappointing, but we got 3 lobster tails for less than $40, so we should probably not complain.

High marks:  Excellent appetizer and drinks

Low marks:  Lobster not on par with usual offering


Value:  Grade A:  The meal was still delicious, and you would think we were off our rockers if we gave Bonefish Grill anything less than an “A.”  You did read the previous paragraph, right.  Remember the 3 lobster tails….good.  Enough said.

High marks:  Once again, 3 lobster tails

Low marks:  None