Product Review: Delmonte Chefs Pantry Meal Toppers

Recently, the good folks at Delmonte contacted the Grubgraders crew and asked us to try a new product they’re testing out in the Columbus, Ohio area and write a review of it.  Product reviews are not our forte…we like to stick to the type of meals where the only work we have to do is driving to a restaurant.  But, it is becoming increasingly hard to eat healthy while eating out, and even those of us at Grubgraders need to grab a bite at home every once in a while.

So we agreed to give it a shot.  I’m no chef, although eight years of college did teach me to do some creative things with ramen noodles.  Katina, on the other hand, is actually a pretty good cook when she gets the time to actually fire up the stove.  We received a slick black box in the mail containing the ingredient packet as well as a spiffy black apron.


As you can see from the photo, we received the Southwest Beans and Corn variety to sample.  The beans and corn were in a chipotle chile sauce.  From the description on the package, this is the perfect flavor to send us.  According to the directions, just add chicken, steak, or whatever meat you’re in to at the time and some rice or pasta of your choosing and viola — instant meal.  This should be perfect…it has most of the major food groups in it, right (beans AND corn, meat, and rice/pasta).  All that’s missing is the ice cream and you’d have a complete meal (just kidding).

Preparation was fairly simple and took about 20 minutes.  Katina made ours with chicken and rice.  Once she had the chicken nearly ready, she added the ingredient packet and came out with something that looked like this:


You’re not going to need to be a finalist on Master Chef to pull this dish off.  This is a product that would be perfect for that someone who wants something with a little extra flavor but is intimidated trying to season dishes or create their own sauces.  Once Katina had let the chicken and sauce simmer for the appropriate time, she whipped up a batch of white rice and poured the chicken concoction over the rice.  The results can be seen below:


(As an aside, had this been a restaurant review, I would have given the service an “F” grade.  Not once did Katina offer to get me a beverage or see if I needed anything else with my meal.  That’s why I didn’t give her a tip).

What we liked:  The product itself is very simple to use.  And for those who are paying close attention to what they’re shoveling into their food holes, the Delmonte Chef’s Pantry Meal Toppers isn’t as much of a nutritional land mine as some similar products.  The product had substantially less salt that we expected it to have.

What we didn’t like:  Serving size might be misleading.  In our opinion, sticking with the recommended serving size does not provide enough topping to really make a large improvement in the meal.  In particular, we thought there was insufficient sauce to really add a lot of flavor to the chicken and rice.  The topper had an okay taste, but you really have to heap it on to get some flavor, and that torpedoes any attempt to keep the dish nutritionally sound.

Without knowing how much the Delmonte Chef’s Pantry Meal Topper is going to cost the consumer, it’s a little difficult to give it our stamp of approval.  We believe the product could certainly be useful to snazz up a dish that might otherwise be a little bland, but until we know the cost and what other varieties will be available, the jury is still out.


Don’t worry fans.  Grubgraders haven’t turned in their frequent diner cards just yet.  It’s been a bit of a challenge finding new restaurants to review that peak our interest, but we have found a few.  It’s been a bit of a slow year, which means fewer reviews but less inches on my waist.  But there is more to come.






Report Card: Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Overall GrubGrade A

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere: Grade A+: A word of advice for any of you on the wagon…you’re not going to want to schedule your next AA meeting at Cooper’s Hawk at Easton Town Center in Columbus, Ohio. The simple, contemporary décor might be perfect, and the generous table spacing might provide you with enough privacy to carry on a conversation, but oh how you’d be tempted. That’s because there’s wine everywhere at Cooper’s Hawk. Whether it’s in the lobby/waiting area where (at least on the day we visited) there may be 20 to 40 people crowded around the bars sampling some of Cooper’s vast wine selection. Plus, at nearly every table there’s wine being consumed. If you’re into your vino, then Cooper’s Hawk should be at the top of your favorite dining establishments. The restaurant was pretty busy when we visited, but the interior is so spacious that most of the noise seems to linger in the background, allowing you and your guest the ability to carry on a conversation. Cooper’s Hawk is simultaneously contemporary looking yet simply decorated. Bare walls and dark wood with muted lighting really set a nice scene for some good eats, and Cooper’s Hawk would be a nice place to take a date if you want to come off impressive.

High marks: Nearly perfect in design and decor

Low marks: Parking at Easton Town Center is always a chore


Service: Grade A: Our server, David, was spectacular. He was very friendly and sociable without coming off as silly or as a buffoon. He showed up table side shortly after we were seated and introduced himself and gave us a brief rundown of the menu before taking our drink order. That is exactly how it should be done. We always find it frustrating when a server arrives at our table immediately after we’re seated and asks for our drink order. How about you let us open our menus first, huh? David ran our service like he majored in it in college. Another nice touch added by David is that he crouched by our table when he spoke with us. That way he was eye level and we could hear each other without raising our voices. It was a really nice touch that we usually don’t see in most restaurants.

High marks: Personality and attention to detail

Low marks: None


Food/Spirits: Grade A: Now for the good part. First off, Cooper’s Hawk has a pretty robust menu. If you are at all indecisive with your food selections, you’d be wise to visit the restaurant’s website before stopping in to explore the menu. And if you are a winer, there’s a boat load of wine selections to choose from. We started off ordering the Over the Border Egg Rolls for an appetizer and Katina opted for an Island Mojito to drink while I ordered the house brewed Cooper’s Hawk Ale. The egg rolls were amazing. Much bigger than anticipated, these egg rolls break from the traditional 99% veggie, 1% meat formula that most egg rolls seem to employ. Stuffed with seasoned chicken, these egg rolls were devoid of all veggies except for the corn contained in the corn and black bean relish. The egg rolls were served with 3 sauces: cilantro ranch, tomatillo salsa, and a cashew sauce. Yeah, we thought we misread that on the menu as well – cashew sauce? Gross, right? Wrong! Of the 3 sauces, that cashew sauce was by far the best, although all 3 sauces were excellent. There’s really no point in describing them – just order the egg rolls when you visit and see for yourself. Katina’s Island Mojito was smooth with a huge pineapple presence and no alcohol bite. If you favor pineapple, don’t order this drink – you won’t be able to stop drinking them and might find yourself unwittingly tatered. The Cooper’s Hawk Ale was really smooth with just a hint of hops but a big malt presence, which is just how I like them and probably why I sucked down 2 of them. For entrees, Katina got out of her comfort zone and ordered Fish and Chips. If you follow this blog you know that was sarcasm. The fish were nicely battered and thick cod filets that were perfectly cooked and served with some lightly seasoned and crispy fries. The fish also came with a sriracha mayo and the traditional tartar sauce. And as awesome as all the rest of the food tasted at Cooper’s Hawk, their tartar sauce blows. The tartar sauce was way out of balance and had an overwhelming pickle flavor. I ordered the Chef’s recommendation, braised short rib cannelloni. This was maybe the 2nd or 3rd dish I’ve had where I thought that I had made a mistake after taking the first bite. There was a flavor that my mouth couldn’t decide whether it liked or not when I first bit into the dish. But like those other dishes, the more I ate the better it tasted until I was tempted to wipe my plate clean with my dinner napkin, hold it above my open mouth, and wring out every last drop of the dish into my gaping food hole. But I’m not an animal after all, so I decided to share Katina’s dessert instead. She ordered the banana ice cream sandwich. If you like bananas, this is the dessert for you. It pretty much describes itself, doesn’t it?

High marks: Entrees, drinks, appetizer, cashew sauce, etc, etc, etc

Low marks: Horrible tartar sauce, but Katina doesn’t eat tartar sauce anyway so no loss


Value: Grade A: Appetizer, entree, one drink for the lightweight and two beers for me – add on a tasty desert and we expected to hit well over $100 before tip, especially considering the quality of the food and the overall upscale experience. We barely broke $80. That was substantially lower than we were expecting, so we have to score Cooper’s Hawk an A+ for value.

High marks: High quality and extremely reasonable prices

Low marks: None …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Technical: Grade B: The website for Cooper’s Hawk is fairly robust. The entire menu is available to view online. You can also make reservations, buy some of their house made wine, or see what’s happening in many of their wine clubs. The ability to order food is not provided on the website, but Cooper’s Hawk is not really a take-out kind of place.


Autism Friendly Score 6: Although Cooper’s Hawk probably wouldn’t be near the top of your list to dine if you’re towing around your little friend on the spectrum, if you did decide to pop in, fear not. With the simple décor and online kids and gluten-free menus, you could certainly do worse than stopping by Cooper’s Hawk. We would just recommend not going during “peak” hours because the place gets packed and can get a little noisy.

The 5th Annual Columbus Food Truck Festival



Who says you need 4 walls, a table, and chairs to enjoy a good meal?  Not the people who run food trucks or the on-the-go people who frequent them.  While grabbing a bite from a mobile greasy spoon is not usually high up on our list of things to do, we’ve wanted to visit  the Columbus Food Truck Festival for a couple of years.  Unfortunately, we usually missed the festival because we had other commitments.  So this year, when the dates of the 5th Annual Columbus Food Truck Festival were announced, we made sure we cleared our schedule.

The 5th Annual Columbus Food Truck Festival was held on August 14th thru August 16th in downtown Columbus, Ohio.  One thing that people who are not Ohio natives may not realize is how freaking hot and humid the middle of August gets around here.  So imagine packing over 67 food trucks and vendors into 1&1/2 city blocks, throw in a couple thousand sweaty, mostly overweight Columbus natives, and broil them for hours in 90 degree heat and you get an idea of what you might encounter at the Food Truck Festival.  Normally, we enter a dining situation looking for food quality, service, atmosphere, and value.  On the day we hit the Food Truck Festival, we were just hoping to snag some decent food without picking up a case of the runs.

Since this was our first visit to the Food Truck Festival, you need to understand that there are probably a thousand ways to maximize the number of trucks you visit.  Our strategy was to order one item from each truck we wanted to try and share it.  We were expecting to be able to hit 6 to 8 trucks.  We got to 3 of them.  So our advice is to visit the festival early in the day or in the evening, and go hungry.  If you decide to go in the evening, you run the risk of some of the trucks running out of some of their featured items.  We visited the following trucks:  Tortilla Street Eats, Holy Smoke BBQ, and Weldon’s Ice Cream Concessions.

Initially, we were going to visit a different food truck next to Tortilla Street Eats but when we saw how long the line was for Tortilla Street Eats, we figured it must be really good.  That might be the case, but not if you got the nachos like we did.  The item description for the nachos stated that they came with “diced” onions.  They came with onions, but I’m not sure how the people at Tortilla Street Eats called them diced — they were rather large chunks.  In addition, cheese is one of the defining properties of a nacho, and these nachos had almost no cheese.  What little cheese they did have was runny and wouldn’t stick to the chips and instead pooled at the bottom of the nacho container.  We were not impressed.

We had better luck at Holy Smoke BBQ.  We decided to try one of their creations cleverly named the Daddy Mac.  The Daddy Mac was macaroni and cheese topped with pulled pork and smothered in a spicy BBQ sauce.  We’ve had versions of this dish at some of the restaurants we’ve tried, and the version at Holy Smoke BBQ stacked up pretty well.  The spicy BBQ sauce had a nice kick but wasn’t super hot, which was nice considering how much it cost to get a beer at the festival.

Realizing that our ambitious plan to visit a half dozen trucks didn’t get cleared by our stomachs, we decided to try a dessert truck for our final truck.  We stopped by Weldon’s Ice Cream Concessions for a sundae.  The sundae was pretty yummy, but it wouldn’t stack up to a sundae you’d get at Coldstone Creamery or Graeter’s.  That might be an unfair comparison since we are comparing a rolling ice cream shop to a couple of established ice cream heavyweights, and the fact that we were tired, hot, and very sweaty might have made the sundae taste better than it normally would.  But we would visit the Weldon’s truck again, unless it was parked within walking distance to a Coldstone or a Graeters.

We definitely plan to visit the next Columbus Food Truck Festival.  We might need to visit each day it is going on, or we might need to fast for a few days, but hopefully next time we can visit more of a variety of trucks.

Report Card: Houlihans

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Overall GrubGrade B

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere: Grade B+: Houlihan’s in Upper Arlington is not what we’d call an upscale restaurant, but it actually comes pretty close. We would actually classify Houlihan’s as a med-level steakhouse. From the outside, Houlihan’s looks pretty neat, with a blocky, contemporary style. The décor inside is fairly contemporary and the place was quite clean. The inside wasn’t too loud when we first arrived, but the restaurant wasn’t really very busy, either. By the time we finished eating, though, it was starting to get a little loud. Houlihan’s might have scored in the A- range except for one thing: the bench seat. Much like other restaurants that we’ve dinged for having this set-up, Houlihan’s is also guilty of having the same seating arrangement. Plus, with a nearly empty restaurant and a fairly young couple (that being us), I would expect the bench seat to be the last place we would be seated. But no. We were walked to the middle of a very long bench seat. In the case of Houlihan’s, at least they didn’t seat anyone right next to us on either side, so we were at least spared being witness to other peoples conversations against our will.

High marks: Clean, contemporary décor, fairly quiet upon arrival

Low marks: Giant bench seat


Service: Grade B+: Our server, Tara, was quite attentive without being annoyingly clingy. She seemed to have a decent sense of humor and was sociable. We were allowed to settle into our seats before Tara arrived to take our drink order. This is important. We cannot stand when a server asks us what we want to drink before we’ve even picked up a menu. Please give us a minute or two…especially for Katina, who can be a little needy when it comes to drink menus. I can always opt for what’s on tap, but she’s a little more refined in her drink tastes. Once we ordered everything, there was minimal wait for the food. There was one error in our meal with Katina getting the wrong side dish, but otherwise the service was very solid.

High marks: Attentive without being oppressive, nice attitude and sense of humor

Low marks: One small error with our meal


Food/Spirits: Grade B-: We started our meal by ordering the pot-stickers for our appetizer. The menu states they are pan-fried, but we felt they could have been left on the stove a little while longer. They were a little disappointing because they were soggy. Katina also had a bowl of French Onion soup and I tried the chicken tortilla soup. We both found our soups to be good, but neither of us felt they were the best versions of those soups we’ve had. The French Onion soup has less of a beefy flavor than Katina is used to, and I felt the chicken tortilla soup had a nice flavor but was a little under-seasoned, and therefore slightly bland. For her entree, Katina ordered the almond crusted tilapia and I opted for the Kansas City strip steak. Katina found the tilapia to be good, but almost all of the flavor came from the sweet, creamy sauce. I found my steak to be really good…actually better that I had anticipated. Our side dishes included green beans, chips and salsa, and some unwanted asparagus (that’s the mistake I mentioned earlier). The green beans were excellent and exceeded both of our expectations, while the chips and salsa were nothing special and tasted like they came from a bag and jar, respectively. Oh, I almost forgot our drinks…and that’s probably because they were quite forgettable. We opted for a mojito mule and a black cherry mojito, neither of which tasted like they had any liquor in them.

High marks: Better than expected steak and green beans

Low marks: Tilapia, chips and salsa, pot-stickers and drinks were all ho-hum


Value: Grade B-: While Houlihan’s wasn’t outrageously expensive for a pseudo-steakhouse, it was the average tasting food that kept the value score low. But, Houlihan’s would make a nice first date spot…a little classy but not real expensive.

High marks: Not too expensive

Low marks: Food could be a little better …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Technical: Grade A: One bright spot for Houlihan’s is their website. Online reservations are available, as is their full menu including gluten free designations for some of their dishes. You can also find complete nutritional information for all of their dishes on their site as well. The site is very clean and easy to navigate. The only thing missing is the option of ordering online for those of us wanting to enjoy the food but not the crowd.


Autism Friendly Score: 5: Online reservations (as mentioned above) are available, as is a gluten free menu. But no online kids menu and lack of free Wi-Fi keeps this score right in the middle of the scale for Houlihan’s. If your child has an adventurous palate they might find that Houlihan’s is not overwhelming due to sensory input it the crowd is light, but it might be too noisy if you visit during peak times.

Honorable Mention: Zoup

Zoup on Polaris Parkway

Zoup on Polaris Parkway

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Zoup is restaurant that dishes out soup (really, no joke), salads, and sandwiches. To be honest, I thought Katina was jerking my chain when she suggested we stop there and grab lunch. I had a preconceived idea of what we’d be walking into, and it was oddly similar to the “Soup Nazi” episode of Seinfeld. I wondered if I made too much eye contact or tweaked my order I’d get that “No soup for you” shouted at me by and someone who bore a remarkable resemblance to Freddy Mercury.

But that’s why Katina is the smart one and I’m the pretty one. She was right again. Zoup was awesome. First, they have a robust website that allows you to order online (which is a big plus in Katina’s opinion). And the website has the nutritional content of all their offerings. Second, the inside of the place was very clean and the service was very friendly. We stopped shortly after I started my new healthy diet, so I was very concerned with sodium content. Do any of you know how much salt is in soup? Next time you are at the grocery store, try to find a can of soup that doesn’t have an obscene amount of salt in it (if you do, post a comment so I can pick some up). It’s almost impossible to do. I though freshly made soup would be lower in sodium, but looking at the nutritional data on the Zoup website proves me wrong. Salt city, my friends. So instead, both Katina and I opted for salads. Katina ordered the Asian salad and I snagged a Loco Burrito salad. The salads were customizable (that is a word, isn’t it?) which was nice. And the salads were huge (with 1/3 of the sodium as the soups) so a whole salad was really all you’d need for lunch. We were both impressed with the quality of the ingredients as well as friendly service. Not sure where they found the two young guys working behind the counter on the day we visited, but they seemed to have a real thing for slinging soup. And while our salads weren’t the cheapest you can find, they were worth every penny spent.

We highly recommend Zoup. It offers a nice change of pace from the traditional lunch offerings. But if your into eating healthy, we’d also recommend going online first and checking out the nutritional information on their offerings. If you really don’t care, then the menu is wide open for you..enjoy, and let us know how you liked it.

Honorable Mention: Tacos Hass

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This Chipotle wannabe is located right on Sawmill Road in Columbus. Getting there is a bit of a hassle with road construction in the area (at least when we visited), but that can hardly be blamed on the restaurant itself.

Inside the restaurant, you can tell this is not part of a huge chain. While the place appeared to be fairly clean, it also appeared to be fairly run down as well. While we’re not sure how long Taco Hass has been open, by the looks of the tables and chairs, you might guess 100 years. But the important thing is the food, right?

Taco Hass doesn’t get a full report card since there is no table-side service to speak of. Katina ordered the Hass Quesadilla and I opted for the Burrito Hass. Katina ordered her quesadilla with chicken and no beans. Let me digress a little bit here…how can you like Mexican food and not like beans? It’s like non-alcoholic beer…why bother. Katina says it wasn’t the best quesadilla she’s ever had.  It was really messy yet had very little cheese (which is one of the defining qualities of a quesadilla).  But the quesadilla did have plenty of chicken in it.  My burrito was very large with surprising little meat in it.  It actually looked like it came from Chipotle.  Unfortunately, it just didn’t stack up to what you’d get at Chipotle. Katina washed her burrito down with a margarita that we suspect came premixed straight from a bottle, and I washed my burrito down with an ice cold Corona.

If you want to try to imagine what the Taco Hass experience is like without visiting, do this: close your eyes and imagine being in Chipotle, but with a far lower level of customization. If you were to open your eyes, you might be fooled into thinking you were at a Chipotle since the food looks similar. But that illusion would be shattered after your first bite. Plus, your paying about the same price as you would at Chipotle for food that isn’t quite on the same level. If you find yourself waiting for a gap in traffic on Sawmill Road so you can turn into the Taco Hass parking lot, do yourself a favor and pull back out into traffic. Keep going a little ways until you find a Chipotle and stop there (you shouldn’t have to drive too far since there’s one on about every corner these days).

Report Card: B Spot

B Spot on Urbanspoon

Overall GrubGrade A-

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere: Grade B+: We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We’ve been away for a couple of weeks preparing for that delicious holiday, and hopefully you all understand with that particular holiday, we skipped the normal dining out routine. This food adventure finds us visiting B Spot in Gahanna, Ohio. This burger restaurant is fairly new, so it is not surprising that it was incredibly clean on the inside. It wasn’t overly packed when we stopped by, but B Spot was still fairly noisy. The décor was contemporary but fit nicely with the theme of the restaurant. Tables weren’t too close together, but having them a smidge farther apart might have helped with the noise level. Bathrooms were a little difficult to find, but other than that minor inconvenience the atmosphere at B Spot was very pleasant. Expect a laid back and casual dining experience.

High marks: Clean, new

Low marks: Noisy


Service: Grade B: Matthew, our server at B Spot, did a really nice job serving us on our visit. He did a good job explaining the menu and how to order, as well what to expect from the sauces located on the table. There’s not much a server can do in a burger restaurant to really impress us, so a grade of B is actually a fairly high mark. The wait for the food was minimal and our order was delivered exactly like we had ordered it.

High marks: Good service, accurate and timely

Low marks: Fairly simple menu


Food/Spirits: Grade A: Our followers know that we have been searching for quite some time for a local replacement for our dearly departed Fuddruckers. We found a really great burger joint in Nashville called Burger Republic that ranked right at the top, but let’s face it, we’re not driving to Nashville a couple times of year for a great burger. B Spot fills that horrible void left by the closing of Fuddruckers. Those of you who watch The Chew (like Katina) should be familiar with the restaurant’s owner, Michael Symon. Mr. Symon perhaps has the biggest personality on that show, and his burgers and sauces have almost as much personality as their creator. For drinks, we started with a Wrong Island Iced Tea (Katina) and a beer called La Fin du Monde (Rick). We’ve previously discussed La Fin du Monde in another post, so we won’t repeat the same thing here. The Wrong Island Iced Tea was very smooth but you could still taste some whiskey, so if you’re a fan of whiskey, this might be a good drink to try. We ordered an appetizer called Porky Fries. As the name would suggest, the Porky Fries are fries loaded with pulled pork. Sound good? Well, they weren’t. They were freaking amazing. We particularly liked the addition of cheese whiz to the mix. These quite possibly were the best fries we’ve ever had, and I found myself not wanting to share them with Katina once I tasted them. For our burgers, Katina did a “build your own” burger and I ordered the Smasher Special (called the Red Hot), which is B Spot’s burger of the month special. Katina ordered a well done beef burger with cheddar cheese, grilled onions, and fresh onions. With that amount of onions, Katina’s lucky this wasn’t our first date, ’cause that breath would have been kicking for that first kiss. Katina found her burger to be fairly typical, but was surprised at how moist the meat was since she had asked for it to be prepared well done. The burger, by the way, was cooked to perfection. The Smasher Special was a beef patty smothered with picked jalapenos, pepper-jack cheese, pulled pork, and sriacha mayo. The burger has a nice kick and was super moist and soft (I had ordered mine medium well). I also ordered another beer, called Rivertown Roebling Porter, which was a little bitter with some heavy chocolate notes. If you a Bud Lite type of person, this is not your beer. But if you have some hair on your chest and enjoy a nice stout porter, this beer is one you should taste.

What elevates the burgers found at B Spot to the next level is the pickle bar (which definitely reminded us of the condiment bar at Fuddruckers), and the array of sauces on the table. Our followers will recognize the significance of high quality sauces since you all know I’m dining with the Sauce Czar of Columbus. Anyone whose been to a Cleveland sporting event is probably familiar with their famous stadium mustard – B Spot has it. One of Katina’s favorite sauces was the Coffee BBQ sauce. It was tasty, and Katina has a thing for bbq sauce. We both thought the Shasha sauce was the best. A mixture of bananna peppers and mustard, this sauce had a well balanced and interesting flavor. More tangy than spicy, we used that sauce on both our burgers and some of our fries. Yummy! We also found the Lola ketchup to be quite tasty as well.

High marks: Perfectly cooked burgers, pickle bar, sauce selection

Low marks: It’s across town, so we can’t eat there at least once a week


Value: Grade A: Three drinks, and appetizer, and two of the highest quality burgers we’ve ever had set us back less than $50. Not bad at all.

High marks: Superior quality, reasonable price

Low marks: None

Report Card: Natalie’s Coal Fired Pizza

Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza in Worthington

Natalie’s Coal Fired Pizza in Worthington

Natalie's Coal-Fired Pizza on Urbanspoon


Overall GrubGrade B-

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere: Grade C-: One of the first comments we received from a follower was a suggestion to do a review of Natalie’s Coal Fired Pizza in Worthington, Ohio. Here it is, about 18 months later, and we finally made our way there. We stopped by a little after 12:00 noon on a Sunday. We had just finished the Walk Now for Autism Speaks event, and we were pretty hungry. Outside and inside, Natalie’s was quite a bit smaller than I anticipated, especially since Natalie’s also offers live music. The walls were covered with an eclectic assortment of items, but Natalie’s rubbed us the wrong way almost immediately. We felt the table spacing was terrible, but due to the live music no one was able to hear any of our lunch conversation (including us). We’re not really sure the size of Natalie’s interior lends itself to live music, and the jazz trio seemed out of place playing at a pizza joint during Sunday lunch. And, they were very LOUD. If we could rewind back to that day, we probably would have ordered our pies to go.

High marks: Interesting walls

Low marks: Poor table spacing, loud


Service: Grade B: Initially, we felt the service was terrible. We sat for at least 10 minutes before anyone stopped by to check on us, and that visit was just to tell us that we’d be waiting for a few more minutes while our server, Kelli, took care of some of her other tables. Not only were we hungry, but we were lost-in-the-desert thirsty. Once we finally got started, Kelli did provide us with pretty decent service. It was fairly straight forward, but there wasn’t a lot of chance for conversation with the music being so loud. But, even with all that racket, Kelli got all 3 of our pizzas correct. That’s really admirable since one of them was a pepperoni/chicken combo that still has us dumbfounded to this day.

High marks: initial service bad

Low marks: Once meal started, service got better


Food/Spirits: Grade B: All of the pizzas at Natalie’s seem to come in one size, which is large enough to feed two adults who aren’t starving. We had a party of 6, so we ordered 3 pizzas: one pepperoni, one pepperoni and sausage, and one pepperoni and chicken. Four of the six in our party were 12 year old girls, hence the pepperoni pizza (kids that age simply do not understand the potential of pizza). That being said, we still can’t explain why two of the girls opted for pepperoni and chicken on their pizza. The pizzas themselves were pretty good. We appreciated the grated cheese and red pepper flakes that were available for those of us who wanted to kick it up a notch. The char on the crust was different, but we’re not sure it really added anything to the pizza except for a touch of originality. While the pizza at Natalie’s was good, most pizza is good by default, and Natalie’s Pizza didn’t knock our socks off. Any dish that we could whip up with a tube of biscuits, sauce, and a few toppings would be hard to mess up. The challenge is making it memorable, and we forgot Natalie’s shortly after we swallowed our last bite.

High marks: Interesting crust

Low marks: No variety in size and nothing spectacular about the pizza


Value: Grade B: We got 3 pizzas for $50, but we could accomplish the same feat by logging onto Donato’s website and we wouldn’t have to change out of our PJ’s or risk deafness. We feel there are just too many pizza places that have comparable or better quality for a similar price, and for reason, we suggest you skip this one.

High marks: Not super-expensive

Low marks: Same price can get you bigger and better pizzas from other establishments

Report Card: Eddie Merlot’s Part 2

Eddie Merlot's

Eddie Merlot’s

Eddie Merlot's on Urbanspoon

Eddie Merlot’s

Overall GrubGrade A-

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere: Grade A: We first visited Eddie Merlot’s a couple of years before we started this website. For us, Eddie’s is like that first high school crush – we couldn’t imagine any better until we got some experience. Eddie Merlot’s was one of the first upscale dining establishments we visited, and we fell in love. It was the standard by which we judged all other restaurants from that point on. We have already reviewed Eddie Merlot’s once, but we were sure that if we revisited, Eddie’s would get a better overall grade than before – and it did. But based on our previous experiences, we expect Eddie Merlot’s to score and Overall Grubgrade of A+, so the score of A- is a little disappointing to us. Inside and out, Eddie Merlot’s oozes class and upscale sophistication. The atmosphere is just about perfect, and Eddie Merlot’s is one of our top picks for a date restaurant. We had a slight issue this visit with some dirty glassware, which isn’t the end of the world but cannot be tolerated at a restaurant this upscale and that charges the amount of money Eddie Merlot’s charges.

High marks: Upscale and nearly perfect

Low marks: One dirty glass


Service: Grade A+: Our server on this visit was named Monica. The service was flawless. Monica seemed a little too formal, but with this type of setting we really can’t fault her for taking her job seriously. Our only complaint, and it is a small one, applies to this visit to Eddie Merlot’s but also applies to a whole bunch of other visits to restaurants we’ve had. For most restaurants, the server will ask if you have dined at that establishment before. We hit Eddie Merlot’s at least 2 or 3 times a year for the past 3 to 4 years, so we’re pretty comfortable with the menu. Even after relaying this fact to Monica, she still felt the need to tell us about the toppings for the steak and how the steak is cut in house, etc, etc. Those are all great facts to know, and we would have been really impressed had this been our first dance with Eddie’s, but the spiel was really just a waste of everyone’s time. We didn’t penalize her for schooling us on all things Eddie because she is probably required to do so, but in the future we would appreciate our server to allow us to ask questions if we need to and save the script for the newbies.

High marks: Quick, accurate, flawless service

Low marks: Unnecessary lesson on steak delayed our gratification


Food/Spirits: Grade B+: Here is where we get a tad bit disappointed. We fully expect Eddie Merlot’s, due to their reputation and the price of their food, to get no less than an A in this category. As such, we are disappointed with the B+ (actually, that is probably a bit generous in this instance). For drinks, Katina ordered a martini called a Berry White and I opted for a cocktail called Eddie’s Paradise Infusion. Katina’s martini had a pronounced berry flavor and was very sweet. The drink has a slight but very tolerable alcohol bite. The Paradise Infusion had absolutely no alcohol bite, but I am sure it did have alcohol in it because my noggin started feeling all warm and fuzzy after the first couple of sips. The Paradise Infusion has slight pineapple flavor, but the flavor wasn’t a strong as I expected. For our appetizer, we ordered the Filet Mignon Pot Stickers. The pot-stickers were good, but there wasn’t much going on with them. We frankly expected something a little less simple. The pot-stickers were crammed full of meat, but there wasn’t much else inside. We felt like more could have been done with them. Plus, the pot-stickers were served with a soy sauce that helped kick up the flavor, but we thought Eddie Merlot’s was a little skimpy with the sauce. We selected the tempura green beans for our side, and Katina ordered the twin lobster tails (don’t faint with surprise) and I ordered the Trio of Medallions for our entrees. The tempura green beans were crisp and lightly battered, and the creamy wasabi sauce was the best we’ve had. Honestly, Eddie Merlot’s has the best sides of ANY restaurant we’ve been to, with the lobster mac and cheese being the absolute cat’s pajamas. When we do lobster tails, the standard we use for comparison is Bonefish Grill. While the lobster tails at Eddie Merlot’s were bigger (and over double the price) than those at Bonefish, we still find Bonefish Grill prepares them better, and their butter sauce is the best. We thought the tails at Eddie’s were just a tad on the tough side, but Katina really liked that Monica de-shelled the tails for her. The Trio of Medallions were simply awesome. I almost didn’t order them, but I am glad I did. The medallions were perfectly cooked, and each medallion was topped with a different topping. For me, the Gorgonzola bacon topping was hands down the best tasting, with the peppercorn in second place and the Oscar-style in third. The Oscar-style topping had a brown-sugary taste to it that was inexplicable and a little off-putting.

High marks: The Trio of Medallions were awesome, tempura green beans the best we’ve had

Low marks: A little stingy with the sauce, lobster tails a little tough


Value: Grade B-: With a coupon (which is embarrassing), we still dropped well over $150 for two of us, and we skipped dessert. The food and atmosphere are about the best you can find in Columbus, but you are certainly going to pay for it. We usually grade this category based on what we expected to spend versus what we actually do spend. We knew Eddie Merlot’s was expensive, but with skipping dessert we would have expected to spend $15 to $20 less. We highly recommend Eddie Merlot’s, especially if you are looking for a special experience, and although it is no longer our top restaurant (it is still in the top 5), it is still about the best place to indulge in Columbus.

High marks: The entire experience is about the best you can find in the area

Low marks: Seems pricier that our last visit


Report Card: Flannery’s Pub

Flannery's Pub in downtown Cleveland

Flannery’s Pub in downtown Cleveland

Flannery's Pub on Urbanspoon

Overall GrubGrade B+

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere: Grade A-: It was a windy, dark evening when we stopped by Flannery’s Pub. We had just checked into our hotel, and wanted someplace close to eat. Flannery’s was on our bucket list from our previous visit to Cleveland, but we just couldn’t fit it into our schedule. This time, however, we were on a mission. We made a beeline to Flannery’s, partly because the sky was threatening rain and partly because we were famished. Flannery’s Pub looks and feels exactly like you would expect an Irish pub should look and feel. The place was devoid of any upscale, pretentious décor, and the inside was a lot larger than we expected, especially with a downtown location. We think the threat of rain kept a lot of would be patrons inside, so there were not many people in Flannery’s at all. Well worn tables and lots of wood greeted us, and the casual atmosphere was welcomed after a day of traveling. If you’re looking for an authentic looking Irish Pub, Flannery’s should be atop your short list.

High marks: Looks and feel like an Irish pub should

Low marks: None…an A- is about as good as a pub can score in this category


Service: Grade B+: Our server, Tim, was quite friendly and had a good sense of humor. However, the service itself was pretty straight forward. And even though our server was friendly, we didn’t seem to have a whole lot of interaction with him. I thought that was a missed opportunity, especially after we told him we were from Columbus. Since the rest of Flannery’s was empty, he missed an opportunity to give us his take on downtown Cleveland, and he probably missed out on a bigger tip. The food came out with minimal wait, and there were no glaring errors with our service.

High marks: Accurate, friendly, and fast

Low marks: A little bland


Food/Spirits: Grade B: For drinks, Katina opted for a margarita and I ordered a couple of Boddington’s – but I didn’t order them both at the same time (that would be a cry for help). The Boddington’s were good but nothing mind blowing, but what needs to be discussed is the margarita. It wasn’t the best or the worst margarita that Katina has tasted, but who really cares. The important thing is that she ordered a margarita while at an Irish pub. You all do see why that’s messed up. If the Irish didn’t invent drinking alcohol, they certainly perfected the art. So to go Mexican just seemed sacrilegious. For our appetizer, we ordered two – I told you we were famished. We tried both the spicy garlic chicken wings and the Boom Boom Shrimp. In hindsight, it was probably a wasted opportunity. We ordered the chicken wings to see of Flannery’s could recreate the magic we experienced in Charlotte, NC when we visited Ri Ra. And while the wings were good, they weren’t close to the ones from Ri Ra. We found the spicy garlic sauce in which the wings were tossed to be very tasty, but without much spiciness. We sampled the Boom Boom Shrimp because we wanted to see if it was close to the Bang Bang Shrimp from Bonefish Grill. The result was similar to the wings. The shrimp was tasty, but could have used more sauce and been a bit spicier. Katina ordered the Pub Burger for her entree and I ordered the Smoked Gouda and Bacon Meatloaf. The Pub Burger is Flannery’s take on the barbecue bacon cheeseburger. Topped with jack cheese, bacon, and house made barbecue sauce, Katina found herself enjoying the burger but could have used more sauce (she always wants more sauce). As for my dish – look at what it’s called again: Smoked Gouda and Bacon Meatloaf. How could that be anything but fantastic. Actually, I was a little taken aback by the flavor when I tried it. I didn’t feel like I could taste any of the individual ingredients but instead got the unique flavor of the combination. It was unique tasting, and I was a dozen or so bites into the meatloaf before I decided I liked it. So if you love Gouda and bacon and think you have a handle on what this meatloaf tastes like, you’re wrong. If you order it, eat at least half of it before deciding thumbs up or thumbs down.

High marks: Unique tasting meatloaf, good appetizers and burger

Low marks: Almost everything needed a little more sauce


Value: Grade B: We kind of pigged out, so the fact the we had two appetizers, two adult beverages each, and entrees without doling out a Ben Franklin was pretty good. However, we didn’t really order any big ticket items like steak or lobster, so dropping $80 is bordering on a little steep. But the rational couple can probably have a nice meal for around $50 if you’re in the mood for some Irish pub fare. And if you are in the mood, Flannery’s Pub is a good choice.

High marks: Lot of food and booze for the money

Low marks: Still pricey considering actual food ordered

Report Card: 101 Beer Kitchen

101 Beer Kitchen

101 Beer Kitchen

101 Beer Kitchen on Urbanspoon


Overall GrubGrade B+


The Breakdown:


Atmosphere: Grade B: This was our second trip to 101 Beer Kitchen. We turned around and left immediately the first time we visited because the wait was horrendous. We got a lot luckier this time. The outer appearance of the place is pretty basic. The restaurant happens to sit on the corner of a strip mall, so there’s not much that can be done with the exterior. On the inside, the décor was pretty simple – chalk boards with various bits of info written on them and some stone walls. Tables were basic restaurant fare, and the dinnerware, while not overly fancy, was really nice and clean.  It’s a little difficult to discern what theme 101 Beer Kitchen is going for, but it appears like they’re trying to be a place where a normal Joe can go have a nice bite to eat and pound some serious beer. That’s perfectly okay with us.

High marks: Clean and comfortable

Low marks: A little on the simple side


Service: Grade B: Our server, Meagen, was good but nothing memorable. We had minimal wait for food and beverages, and the tableware was clean. Granted, we visited 101 Beer Kitchen over a month ago, but we honestly can’t remember anything about her or the service, which means the service was fairly ordinary. It does bear to mention that we had some leftovers to take home, and the take home box we were given was absolutely silly, especially when considering the type of food we were taking home

High marks: Accurate and timely

Low marks:   Nothing special or memorable


Food/Spirits: Grade B+: We started off with the pretzels for an appetizer. Unlike many of their competitors, the pretzels at 101 Beer Kitchen were actual twisted pretzels and not pretzel sticks. The pretzels were accompanied by a beer cheese sauce. The pretzels themselves were pretty good: crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The beer cheese was a little bland, with the chives that were in the sauce dominating the flavor. For spirits, Katina ordered a drink called Lavender Blueberry Lemonade, which was tart and sour but drank very smoothly. However, don’t order this drink if you are in the mood for something blueberry flavored since the flavor of blueberries was almost non-existent. I selected a beer called The Poet from New Holland brewery. The Poet is an oatmeal stout, and it was a good one. It was thick and creamy and had all the characteristics I love about dark beers but more of them. For entrees, Katina selected the Carnivore Pizza and I opted for the redfish. The Carnivore Pizza is a twist on the traditional meat lover’s pizza. Katina found it to be a little spicy from the sausage, and both meaty and smoky due to the abundance of bacon on the pizza. The redfish came with dirty rice and black beans, which are two of my favorite sides. The redfish itself was a very busy dish, and I wasn’t a big fan after the first bite. However, as I continued to eat, the redfish grew on me. It was light with no “fishy” taste, and that allowed all the other ingredients in the dish to make their presence known, which is why the dish comes off as so busy. By the end, though, I was tempted to wipe up the remnants on my plate with my napkin and wring it out in my open mouth. I resisted for Katina’s sake. After a bit of a debate, we ordered the banana pudding for dessert. We were iffy because the menu description stated the banana pudding has merengue in it and we’re not big fans of merengue, but we rolled the dice and were pleasantly surprised. If you like banana pudding (and who doesn’t?) then you should give it a shot.

High marks: Great beer, good sticky rice and black beans, yummy banana pudding, delicious pizza

Low marks: Lavender Blueberry Lemonade might be misnamed, redfish very busy initially


Value: Grade B+: The food was pretty good, and portion size on the pizza was generous since we took some home in that ridiculous box. We spent pretty much what we expected to spend on a nice dinner with a few drinks and a dessert. We would recommend 101 Beer Kitchen, especially if someone in your party is an avid beer connoisseur.

High marks: Decent portions and good price

Low marks: Idiotic take home box

Report Card: Quaker Steak & Lube


Quaker Steak & Lube

Quaker Steak & Lube

Quaker Steak & Lube on Urbanspoon


Overall GrubGrade B-


The Breakdown:


Atmosphere: Grade C: If not for the dingy appearance, Quaker Steak & Lube would have probably received a much higher overall grade. Even though the theme of the décor is service garage, we still found the place to be pretty dirty. Menus were pretty sticky, which is a little gross. The interior, besides giving off a stout grungy vibe, is decked out in automobile themed décor. Quaker Steak & Lube is probably what restaurants look like in heaven for NASCAR fans. This wasn’t our first pit stop into Quaker Steak & Lube, but we don’t recall our previous visits feeling so dirty. Tables were adequately spaced, and the noise level wasn’t too bad, but there wasn’t a whole lot of action going on when we visited. We imagine it’s a different story if you stop by during one of their weekly biker rallys.

High marks: Table spacing was okay, not too noisy

Low marks: Dirty and sticky…debated on whether or not to get a tetanus shot after dinner


Service: Grade B-: Here was another missed opportunity for a server to “wow” us. With little action going on other than us, I would have expected our server, Hubbert, to go that extra mile to impress us. But that didn’t happen. Don’t get us wrong; Hubbert did an alright job. Our service was timely and accurate. The service was just not memorable at all. We had minimal interaction with the server, but that’s really what we would have expected, especially if the place was hopping. Since Quaker Steak & Lube was almost empty, a little small talk would have been nice.

High marks: Quick and accurate

Low marks:   Nothing spectacular


Food/Spirits: Grade B: Quaker Steak & Lube actually impressed us when it came to the food. We ordered some pretzel bites for an appetizer. The cheese sauce that came with the bites was quite tasty, but the bites themselves were super salty. We know…salty pretzels, how dare they? But this level of saltiness was beyond what you’d expect from soft pretzel bites. We’ve completely abstained from salt since our visit, since we’re fairly certain we received a year’s worth of salt with that appetizer. For drinks, Katina started with the Skinny Dragonberry Lime-N-Ade, which she described as fruity and smooth. For her second drink, she opted for something called the X-celebrate. This was the better of the two drinks and was a bit on the stronger side. It had lots of fruity flavors thanks to the midori and X-rated Fusion liquor. I opted for the Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat. It was smooth and more straightforward than most wheat beers. I found it delicious, and that’s a good thing since it came out in a pitcher-sized beer glass. For entrees, Katina ordered the QSL Burrito and I opted for the Arizona El Camino burger. We can already hear you griping…”Why didn’t you get the wings?” It’s fairly obvious that since Quaker Steak & Lube’s bread and butter are its chicken wings and the place is still open for business, then the wings must be pretty good. But what if you had to go there and you’re not a chicken wing fan? First, you’d be a weirdo for not liking wings, and second, you’d be in luck because Quaker Steak & Lube did an excellent job with our entrees. The QSL Burrito was surprisingly good considering Quaker Steak & Lube is not a Mexican restaurant (we could be overestimating the complexity of the burrito, as well). The burrito was a tad dry, but Katina fixed that with…wait for it…an extra side of queso. One of these days that woman is going to get a bucket of sauce with her dinner and still have the stones to ask for an extra side of it. Just hope I’m there to see the server’s face when it happens. The Arizona El Camino burger was downright delicious. Topped with Pepper-Jack and Cheddar-Jack cheeses, the “steak burger” was an ideal canvass for some bacon, sour cream, fire-roasted corn, black beans, and jalapenos. As a side note, is there any dish that black beans can’t make better? It was really an awesome burger, and I was very pleasantly surprised. We went ahead and got a piece of salted caramel cake for dessert, since we still didn’t feel the need to undo the button on our pants yet. The dessert, while not the highlight of the meal, was still really good.

High marks: Great burrito, great burger              

Low marks: Super salty pretzel bites


Value: Grade A-: With food quality above expectations and really good portion sizes, we were pretty pleased with our bill. While the food quality seemed to exceed expectations based on how much we spent, appearance and service were below expectations. Clean those little issues up and Quaker Steak & Lube might become a regular spot for us. The rest of you all should definitely give them a try, and don’t feel like you have to order wings.

High marks: Exceeded expectations on food quality

Report Card: Liberty Tavern

Liberty Tavern, Powell, Ohio

Liberty Tavern, Powell, Ohio

Liberty Tavern on Urbanspoon
grubgraders Columbus restaurants


Overall GrubGrade B-


The Breakdown:


Atmosphere: Grade B: Liberty Tavern might not be the easiest bar to find, but we’d say it’s worth the effort to look for it. Traditional bar décor dominates the interior, and since it’s located in a shopping complex, we’re going to give it a pass for having a fairly boring exterior. Liberty Tavern did have a nice, big parking lot, which for us was a nice change (our other Powell based restaurant experience involved a parking lot that was basically an alley). Table spacing on the inside was nice, and the place was certainly clean (we did get there at noon, so if the inside was wrecked we would have been very concerned).

High marks: Clean, lots of parking

Low marks: Little hard to find


Service: Grade C+: Liberty Tavern was empty when we arrived (as previously mentioned, we arrived at noon), but it was hopping by the time we left at 1pm. Our first drinks came out fairly quickly, but Liberty Tavern was a little understaffed. Once a few more patrons arrived, service slowed to a crawl. There was a particularly long wait between appetizers and entrees. We don’t believe this should reflect negatively on our server, who was also the bartender, but is more indicative of either poor scheduling or a place that’s business is growing faster than its staff.

High marks: Accurate, quick with the first round

Low marks:   Understaffed, slow service


Food/Spirits: Grade B-: We snagged some Queso Pretzel Bread for our appetizer. What came out from the kitchen were bite-sized pretzel chunks that were lightly salted accompanied by a creamy cheese with a kick. Most of the bits of pretzel were soft, but the end pieces were a little hard. We would hate to think we were served a frozen soft pretzel that was, dare we say, microwaved instead of baked? We couldn’t prove it, but we’ve overcooked enough crap in the microwave to recognize the stone-like consistency that accompanies over-nuked food. Katina ordered a whiskey sour for her cocktail. It was quite sour with almost no whiskey bite, and that’s pretty much how she likes them made.   I ordered a Stone Arrogant Bastard to start with (I’ve discussed this beer previously, so we’ll skip the re-hash) and a beer called Lift (from Madtree Brewing Company located in the Nasty Nati – Cincinnati for those non-Ohioans). This Kolsch style beer was golden yellow, thin textured, and very light tasting with minimal to no aftertaste. For entrees, Katina ordered the Ginger Beef and I ordered the Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf. The Ginger Beef was not as veggie-laden as we expected, which was good. There was a nice amount of tender beef in the dish, and the beef had an unexpected but pleasant kick to it. Katina thought the dish had a nice balance of veggies and beef, but it was real “garlicky” which may or may not be a bad thing depending on how you feel about garlic. The Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf was served open faced with Texas toast, which was a little strange since there was only one piece of toast under one of the two pieces of meatloaf. The toast really didn’t add anything to the dish, which is why the lack of a second piece didn’t really bother me. The meatloaf could have used a little more sauce, but the meatloaf was juicy and really well-seasoned. The meatloaf was tender and perfectly cooked. I think the bacon pushed the overall flavor over to the salty side, but I didn’t mind (just made that second beer all the more important). The French fries that hitched a ride with the meatloaf were nice and crispy.

High marks: Well-cooked meatloaf, nice and meaty Ginger Beef             

Low marks: Slightly overcooked pretzels, meatloaf a little salty, better like garlic if you order the ginger Beef


Value: Grade B-: Decent quality, average portion size, but slightly overpriced, we found the experience at Liberty Tavern to be pretty good. There were some slight issues with the service that affected their overall grade, but we still feel confident in recommending you give Liberty Tavern a shot if you’re in the Powell neighborhood. Just use your GPS if you got one or you may drive right by it (the entire town of Powell can be missed if you blink at the wrong time).

High marks: Decent quality

Low marks: Slightly overpriced


Report Card: Molly Woo’s


Molly Woo's Asian Bistro on Urbanspoon



Overall GrubGrade A-


The Breakdown:


Atmosphere: Grade A: Molly Woo’s might have received an A+ in this category if it wasn’t located in a mall. On the inside, Molly’s is clean and spacious (despite the mall location) and the décor is suitably Asian. You’d be really hard-pressed to find any Cameron Mitchell restaurant that isn’t clean and really well-maintained. We visited on a Friday at around 5pm, and even though there were plenty of diners, the place was pretty quiet.

High marks: Clean, spacious, appropriate décor

Low marks: Mall location


Service: Grade A-: We’re not going to mention our server by name, mainly because we were served by the “bar team.” We usually avoid this scenario if possible because usually the service suffers due to a lack of focus from the bar staff. We were quite pleased, however, by the service we received by the bar staff at Molly Woo’s. We didn’t always have the same server come to wait on us, but the staff must speak to each other, because other than physical appearance you would have thought we had one server since the service was smooth and flowing. Our drinks and food all came out after normal wait times and there were no errors.

High marks: Accurate, friendly, good service

Low marks:   Multiple servers prevented any real engaging


Food/Spirits: Grade A-: Katina started with a drink called Godzilla, which she followed with a drink called a Kiwi Cooler. Both drinks had a tropical feel to them – the kind of drinks you’d enjoy at the beach. The Godzilla was not very strong tasting, and it went down faster than a bunch of Tokyo natives fleeing from the monster that shares a name with the drink. The flavors of citrus and midori were easily detectable. The Kiwi Cooler was a bit stronger, but still really good. It had a (and I am quoting Katina here) “yummy strawberry-kiwi taste.” I settled on a couple of Tsingtao’s. I’m not a huge fan of Asian beer, mainly because it all tastes the same. I mean I like those beers…they’re a nice change, but I couldn’t live off of them. We selected the Kung Pao calamari for our appetizer. We’ll be honest, we only selected it because it was on the happy hour special list. At this point in the game, you have to have some pretty special calamari to impress us. We were really interested in the sauces that came with the calamari: a ginger ponzu sauce and sriracha mayonnaise. The calamari was well done and the sauces were nice, but nothing about the dish really stood out. For her entrée, Katina ordered the Honey chicken, and I selected the Garlic chicken. The chicken in the Honey Chicken was crisp, and the sauce was sweet thanks to the honey but it still had a bit of a kick to it. Katina has ordered extra sauce (see previous rant/post about tipping) which she felt made the difference. I found the Garlic chicken to be pretty tasty, but I did not find it spicy like it was advertised to be, not could I detect much garlic flavor in the dish. I could detect a soy sauce type of flavor and the sauce was definitely salty like it was made primarily from soy sauce. The dish did not taste anything like I expected, but it was still really tasty.

High marks: Tasty, tropical cocktails, tasty Honey Chicken           

Low marks: Calamari was good but not great, Garlic chicken did not taste like advertised


Value: Grade B+: We spent right about what we expected to at Molly Woo’s. No doubt the fact we got our drinks and appetizer as happy hour specials helped with the price. Portion size was pretty good, and both Katina and I took some food home for the next day (on a side note, the leftovers didn’t seem to take reheating very well). Quality was also really good. Just so you all understand how we approach the value category, a B or B+ means we think the price is right where it should be for quality and portion size, and we usually recommend restaurants that score in this range. To get an A, we have to be surprised by how low the total is on the check. For an A+, we pretty much have to think the server made a mistake and forgot to ring in half of our meal. So, it’s pretty hard to score above a B+ in this category, and as such, we are really comfortable recommending Molly Woo’s.

High marks: Good portion size and good quality

Low marks: Leftovers did not reheat well

Report Card: Beef O’Brady’s

Beef O'Bradys. from the inside

Beef O’Bradys. from the inside

Beef O'Brady's on Urbanspoon


Overall GrubGrade B


The Breakdown:


Atmosphere: Grade B-: Well, we missed the turn for the Beef O’Brady’s parking lot, but that has more to do with my horrible sense of direction and a really damn slow navigation program. Beef’s looks pretty nondescript from the outside, and on the inside Beef O’Brady’s looks like exactly what it is – a sports bar. Lots of big flat screen televisions and OSU memorabilia adorn the walls, but that’s pretty much the case with every sports bar located in and around Columbus. The B- score comes from the high noise level, which normally is to be expected in this type of establishment, but not one that is pretty much empty, like Beef O’Brady’s was during our visit. The tables are spaced nicely, but the seats are fairly uncomfortable. Add to that the fact that there were a plethora of menus on our table, and all of those were really sticky, which makes us wonder a little bit about the hygiene of the place.

High marks: Straightforward décor, good table spacing

Low marks: Nothing really unique, sticky menus, uncomfortable seats


Service: Grade B-: We really don’t like being served by committee. A good service to us means the same person takes care of our needs from start to finish. We don’t mind if runners bring the food to us, as long as our server accompanies them. The server’s name on our receipt is Steven, but we were served by no fewer than 3 different servers. All of them did an okay job, although the service wasn’t really engaging. The B- score, however, reflects a mistake (albeit small and quickly corrected) made with Katina’s order. We ordered our food pretty much straight up with very few tweaks (which is rare, especially for Katina), and the joint was far from jumping, so there was really no excuse for any mistakes.

High marks: Okay service

Low marks:   Not engaging, multiple servers, less than perfect accuracy


Food/Spirits: Grade B: We started with a Whole Lotta Steak Nachos for our appetizer. While it didn’t seem to have near the amount of steak on as the menu picture suggested it would, it was still delicious. These were probably the most “American” tasting nachos we’ve ever had. The tortilla chips were nice and crispy, the steak was tender, and the use of a little bit of cheese sauce and shredded cheese instead of dousing the whole pile in cheese sauce kept everything nice and crisp. These nachos were better than most nachos we’ve gotten and Mexican restaurants. Katina opted for the Signature Sangria to drink, and I chose a Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold for my drink. The sangria was pretty good (not the best we’ve had) and was very fruity with some blackberry dominance. I’ve reviewed the Dortmunder Gold before, and I still enjoy the thick texture and hint of spiciness. I was just a touch disappointed with the beer selection at Beef O’Brady’s. It seemed a bit anemic, but the beer menu was so confusing that there was a good chance that I just missed half the selections. Katina ordered the Pulled Pork Sandwich with onion rings instead of fries (she got fries delivered to her, hence the aforementioned mistake, but was quickly presented with a plate of onion rings).   The pork was nice and tender and the sandwiched was dressed with Sweet Baby Ray’s barbeque sauce, which is one of Katina’s favorites. We were impressed with high quality, lean pork on the sandwich. I ordered the Prime Rib Sandwich with fries. We’ll start by saying the fries may have been the most perfectly cooked fries we’ve had – they were scrumptious (Katina even ate some of the fries she received in error, which is like buying a dress, wearing it once, then returning it to the store the next day). The Prime Rib sandwich was probably the driest, greasy sandwich I’ve ever eaten. There was supposed to be a creamy horseradish sauce and brie cheese on the sandwich, but I am almost 100% convinced those ingredients were left off. I mean how can you miss the taste of horseradish – it’s a dominating flavor. Thank god for the au jus or the sandwich would have been difficult to choke down. Overall, it was pretty good, but I don’t think it was quite served the way it was supposed to be.

High marks: Great nachos, really good pulled pork, phenomenal fries   

Low marks: Prime Rib sandwich didn’t live up to the hype


Value: Grade B: Two or three drinks, and appetizer, and a couple of decent sized sandwiches took us just north of the $50 mark. Not too bad. We left satisfied, but there was definitely not enough left over for doggie bags, so portion size was good but we wouldn’t call it generous. Beef O’Brady’s is definitely a nice place to eat if you looking for some pretty decent bar/pub style food. Make sure you stop by if you can navigate that stupid round-about in Hilliard.

High marks: Decent quality, not too expensive

Low marks: Portion size could be a tad more generous