Report Card: Rainforest Cafe

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Overall GrubGrade B+

The Breakdown:

Atmosphere: Grade A+: Atmosphere is one of the reasons most people would decide to eat at Rainforest Cafe. The visual experience alone is worth at least one visit, and if, like us, you’ve spent your entire day hiking across the far expanse of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, the Rainforest Cafe located right outside the gate to the park is a much needed break from everything. It had been rainy the day we visited, so we’re not sure the foggy mist surrounding the Rainforest Cafe was man-made or supplied by Mother Nature herself, but it gave our arrival an almost Jurassic Park kind of vibe. On the inside, it’s visually a little overwhelming (note: We normally include a photo or two with our Report Cards, but my recent upgrade to Windows 10 is making some of my normal computer functions a challenge – once I figure it out the photos will return). There’s lots of lights and sounds, some moving animals, and lots of Disney and Rainforest Cafe swag being peddled outside the main dining area. We will not lie to you…it was busy, and if you go there without making a reservation (which can be done online) then you are probably not the most organized person in the world, and Disney World has probably already kicked your ass all day. We had a fairly minimal wait for our table, and once seated we were ready to chow down.

High marks: A visual feast

Low marks: Busy and potentially overwhelming from a sensory perspective


Service: Grade B: Our receipt says our server’s name was Kevin, but I could swear our server was female, so either my memory is toast or our receipt is incorrect. Either way, service was okay. Service at any restaurant associated with Disney World is going to be pretty good – it is the happiest place on Earth. Due to the high number of patrons, our service was a little slow, but nothing that would make me outraged. And, in our case the pace gave us a chance to chill out a bit after walking around the Animal Kingdom all day. Our food all came out as ordered, and other than the slight wait the service was pretty solid.

High marks: Solid and accurate service

Low marks: Just a bit on the slow side


Food/Spirits: Grade B+: Rainforest Cafe is the first of quite a few Disney World dining venues we will be rating, and the reader may feel we are being a little harsh with these restaurants. We would just like to say that we are going to hold these restaurants to the same standard as we do all restaurants, and for the most part the restaurants will score in the middle of the pack since they are pretty high volume sites and have to temper quality with the volume of patrons they serve. So, for a Food grade, while B+ is really good but not AWESOME, taken in the context of other Disney World associated restaurants, it’s a pretty high score. Our daughter had a turkey club sandwich, and our son had the kid’s Jurassic Chicken. Both those dishes must have been pretty good because both kids dispatched their meals with haste. Plus, we were all pretty starving from walking around all day. Katina ordered the Coconut Shrimp, which she washed down with a strawberry mojito, and I had something called a Feijoada (which the server warned me was spicy but which I thought was pretty tame) which I washed down with some beer (Safari Amber Ale). Drinks and food were good but nothing Earth shattering. But most grown-ups would be more than satisfied with the quality and be relieved that the kids cleaned their plates. If you want a comparison that might give you a better idea of the quality of food, think in the neighborhood of a TGIFriday’s.

High marks: All the food and drinks were good

Low marks: Nothing was excellent or mind-blowing


Value: Grade C-: Don’t go here if you are trying to eat on a budget. Dinner for 4 cost us about $130 before tip, and considering one of our for dishes was chicken tenders and one of the others was a turkey sandwich, you’re paying a high price for good (but not excellent) quality. We enjoyed it, but we were bushed and enjoyed the visual distraction and a chance to rest a bit. But honestly, any place you eat at Disney World is going to cost quite a bit.

High marks: Price might be worth it considering decent quality and neat atmosphere

Low marks: This is not the place to go it you’re trying to stretch your dollar …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Technical: Grade B: You can view the menu and make reservations online, but that’s about it. Honestly, you really don’t need much more…you should be on vacation anyway, so why are you on the computer?


Autism Friendly Score: 5 – This is a bit tough. Depending on how many sensory issues your child has, this might be a home run or it could be a disaster. This restaurant has a lot going on from a sensory standpoint. Our son can cope with most sensory stimuli, but if noise and visual clutter bother your kiddo, then move on. The kids menu has more variety than most of the other restaurants we visited while on vacation, but it doesn’t appear to cater to any dietary quirks you might have.